Acquiring a company

Find the right acquisition target, execute the ideal process, and pay the right price
If you or your company are considering acquiring another business, contact us at +45 82 82 07 00 for a meeting where we can learn more about your thoughts, requirements, criteria, and desires. The business you benefit most from acquiring is not necessarily put up for sale.
Our acquisition opportunities can broadly be divided into three groups:
1) Businesses we have a mandate to sell through an active sales process - not all of these are announced.
2) Businesses we have met and know will be for sale - under the right conditions.
3) Businesses we identify as part of an active acquisition process.
The number of potential buyers is large, and competition for the most attractive targets is fierce. Therefore, it often makes sense not only to focus on the relatively few businesses that are "put up for sale." The right acquisition is often found in the groups 2 or 3 above.
An active acquisition process requires an agreed acquisition mandate between you as the buyer and us as the advisor. Such an agreement is prepared based on your requirements and our experience. The goal is - as with a sale - to turn thoughts into actions and to ensure that successfully completing the right acquisition does not depend on luck and chance.
With Faqtum M&A as your advisor in an active acquisition process, you also gain assurance that a transaction is executed under the right conditions. As always, the process starts with a cup of coffee and an alignment expectations.

Do you want to know more?
Your first meeting with Faqtum M&A is probably a bit different from what you expect. We listen more than we talk, it's rare you'll catch us wearing a tie, and we don't charge to learn about your business.